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Saturday, August 15, 2009

The 4th of July!

Billy made his kids where masks because their mom, JaQuoy, had the swine flu!

Look at Budders face! Oh I love those boys!

Mommy and Hudders

Brian and I, Mel and Hudson and Hayley and Greyson. My mom was there but she was taking the picture!

The fourth of the July was just like any other. It started off with the Kaysville city breakfast, then the parade, a nice big lunch and ended with a big bang of fireworks. We didn't run in the race this year because no one could afford too. Ha ha that's depressing! Billy brought his family minus Shae and JaQuoy because they were apparently infected with the Swine flue. Just to make sure our family didn't get sick, he made his girls and Strydey where masks... it was the saddest little thing you ever saw! Spending time with the family is always fun and the fourth of July has become one of those days you look forward too.