Because we live so far away from family, we've been encouraged to blog. So... here I am. And mark my words- I will be here at least once a week! Ha ha, I didn't even know what blogs were until last week. I'm always reminded of the Twix commercial... the one where a guy asks a girl if she wants to go to his apartment and she's all offended... you ever seen it? Well, he takes a bite of his twix bar and says something like, "Oh, I thought you were a believer, someone who wanted to blog about your ideals". Ha ha, it's hilarious! Anyway...
Brian and I have been married for over a year now! I needed some way to catch up on the last few years, so the slideshows on the sidebar kind of wrap everything up! We are both attending SUU, and will graduate in May. Then... we're off to be fed to the wild wolves! Brian will be graduating in Economics with a finance minor, and I will be graduating in Early Childhood Development. We got married June 29, 2007 in the Salt Lake Temple and have pretty much loved every second of it!
Well, until next time!
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