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Friday, September 4, 2009


Really? This just seems like way too much food for three months! Brian and I have decided it's time to follow the Prophets council and get our food storage in order. We have our emergency prepardness backpacks and now, our three month food supply. There is a really great website if any of you are interested, it's You can download an excel spreadsheet where you add all the meals you would typically eat in three months and then put in the ingredients and it figures out how many cans of whatever you need. It's hard because you can't store three months worth of fresh vegetables, so my mom, who is crazy about food storage has made me buy dehydrated crap... ha ha, hopefully we'll never have to use it! But, in case of an emergency we'll have dehydrated eggs, celery, broccoli, onions, carrots, potatos and powdered milk... mmmmmm doesn't that just sound yummy? We have 12 jars of peanut butter. Really? Twelve jars? We have 70 cans of canned chicken! Thank you Costco. The canned chicken is actually very good. I don't see us eating 70 cans even in a whole year, but we're prepared if we need to!