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Saturday, December 12, 2009

A Night Out

Last night we went to dinner and a movie with the Hansen's. We ate at Javier's, a little Mexican restaurant by Target, and it was delicious. We had this dessert that was basically a bunch of cinnamon tortilla chips with icecream and caramel- MMMMMMMM it was soooooooo good!!

The movie of choice was The Blindside, which was amazing. It's always fun to get out of the normal routine and spend time with friends!

It was hilarious because Brian and Brian were dressed almost exactly the same. They had on American Eagle long sleeved shirts with a brown coat, their hair was a little shaggy and they'd let their scruff grow just a few days. We made them take this picture as you can probably tell. Thanks for being such good sports!


The Hansen's

Oh how fun that night was! I laughed at our Brian picture. They didn't even know they were "posing" the same. Sitting there, talking Red Socks looking the same and having the same names. hilarious. If we ever have a 2nd son we will have sons with the same names who can then be twins too. :) K lets play again soon.